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Working in partnership

CARA works with a range of other agencies, including Essex Police, the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Social Services, the NHS and a wide range of voluntary and community sector organisations.


Since early 2016, CARA has been part of Synergy Essex, working closely with SERICC Rape and Sexual Abuse Specialist Service and Southend-on-Sea Rape Crisis (SOS Rape Crisis).  Since April 2016, Synergy Essex has delivered the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Contract for the provision of sexual abuse support services across Essex.   The contract has been awarded until March 2025.   Synergy Essex is also working together on a number of shared projects, with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, Essex County Council and the Ministry of Justice.


CARA is a member of Rape Crisis England and Wales and of the Survivors Trust.


Our current funders


CARA is very grateful for the support of the following funders who have supported our recent work:

BBC Children in Need

Braintree District Council

Braintree District and Eastlight Community Fund

Charles Hayward Foundation

Charles S French Charitable Trust

Chelmsford City Council

Colchester Catalyst Charity

Colchester City Council

East of England Coop Community Cares Fund

Essex Community Foundation

Essex County Council

Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Feel Well Fund

FSJ Charities

Henry Smith Charity

Homes for Ukraine Community Grants Programme

Leez Charitable Fund

Ministry of Justice 

National Lottery Community Fund

NE Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance


Tendring District Council

Thistle Initiatives

Violence and Vulnerability Community Safety Fund

White House Farm Charitable Fund


We are also very grateful for the support we receive from individual donors and fundraisers.




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