How CARA can help your school or college
CARA has been working with school-aged victims of sexual violence and child sexual abuse since 2008. We have supported over 2,000 young victims and survivors of all ages and all genders.
As part of this work, CARA offers advice to schools and colleges on how they can support students who have been victims of sexual violence or CSA so that they feel safe in school, have support in managing the complex emotions they may be experiencing and are able to continue with their education.
CARA may offer:
- To attend meetings with school staff to discuss the needs of an individual student who has been a victim of sexual violence or child sexual abuse, either with the student or on their behalf. At these meetings we will work with school staff to identify what help the student needs to feel safe and supported at school.
- More general meetings with school staff to discuss changes within school practices that might help students who have been victims of sexual violence or child sexual abuse feel able to disclose what has happened to them, and to feel believed, supported and safe once they have disclosed.
- Advice on the initial steps that schools and colleges can take to address the normalisation of sexual harassment and abuse, signposting them to resources and organisations that can help them in changing that culture.
Icena - bespoke training and consultancy for schools and colleges
CARA's primary focus is on supporting victims and survivers and we are not usually able to deliver workshops for students, or provide training for school staff. For the provision of specialist workshops and training, we recommend Icena - a social enterprise providing bespoke training and consultancy covering trauma, sexual harassment and sexual violence and a wide range of other issues for teachers, schools, businesses and the public. CARA, along with four other Rape Crisis Centres, is a founder member and shareholder of Icena, and our expertise and experience feeds into Icena's work. Icena’s training brochure can be found here and you can contact Icena’s Director, Naomi Butters, on or by calling 07961 494907 to discuss what your school needs.
Resources for schools
Equally Safe at School has been developed for secondary schools to help them take a whole school approach to preventing gender-based violence, with staff and students working together with a shared understanding and commitment to equality and safety for all. The resource has been developed by Rape Crisis Scotland, in partnership with the University of Glasgow.
Speak Up/Out Bystanders Lesson plans and session guidance about sexual harassment in schools created by the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit (CWASU) at London Metropolitan University.
Give and Get Consent A resource for teaching sexual consent to Key Stages 3 & 4 created by Rape Crisis South London (RASAC).
Have a Word Male violence against women and girls starts with words. Video from the Mayor of London's campaign.
Sunshine- Don't confuse love and abuse 1 in 3 teens reports experiencing some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships. Video created by Day One.
#WishIsaid wants to get you talking about Sexual Harassment in public places like the street, mostly of women and girls, perpetrated mostly by men and boys. Created by Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland
"Roll down your skirt" How schools teach victim-blaming and rape culture through uniform checks. Created by Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland
Reports and Information for schools
Review of sexual abuse in Schools and Colleges, June 2021- Ofsted
Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges, September 2021 - Department for Education
Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 2021 - Department for Education