CARA has a team of 37 full and part-time staff, all of whom have specialist knowledge and understanding of sexual violence. Our ISVAs and practitioners are all qualified to provide specialist support. CARA also engages a number of sessional counsellors. All our sessional counsellors receive specialist training in sexual violence and child sexual abuse.
Our workers represent a range of backgrounds and experiences. Most are women, but you can request support from a male counsellor if you prefer.
Senior Management Team
Chief Executive Officer: Helen Parr
Head of Operations: Sarah Clementson
Volunteers play a key role in CARA’s work. We currently have a dedicated team of over 10 volunteers, who work in a range of roles including as advocates, administrators and fundraisers.
CARA is a women-led organisation and is governed by a Board of 6 trustees, all of whom have specialist areas of experience relevant to CARA’s work. Our trustees have independent control over, and legal responsibility for, CARA's management and administration. They are all volunteers.