The Integrated Support service is the newest aspect of support available to CARA clients. Both new and existing clients may be offered this service, designed to meet individual needs assessed as either immediate, potentially high and or at a point of crisis. This support can take place whilst waiting for CARA counselling or in preparation to access CARA’s counselling service. It can also be an effective alternative to counselling.
The Integrated Support service provides one-to-one bespoke emotional support, tailored to individual need:
- One of the two members of the team will become your specific support, ensuring you have the same person as a point of contact, for listening, understanding, empathy and continuity.
- Regular planned telephone or face to face support sessions.
- Check-in communication, via text, email, or telephone call.
- Support in attending appointments or support beneficial to your well-being and mental health.
- Support in accessing mental health services, advocating for need, liaising with specific workers and or services.
- One to one sessions can include an aspect of psychoeducation activities and understanding the body's responses to trauma.
Referrals to the Integrated Support service can me made by any CARA member of staff.